2010. március 11., csütörtök

Talbot - EOS

The mythical and sacred fire-being phoenix lives a thousand years and perishes in flames after building a nest. Few are those who know that the bird leaves behind two eggs — a white one and a black one. From the white a new phoenix hatches, but what might emerge from the black, nobody knows.

Talbot, the duo of Estonian bio-bots from Tallinn is like the black egg of the phoenix — a mystical, menacing enigma that, once cracked, will change the world. Edgy and immediate, the garage-doom-prong of Talbot pierces the listener’s ear and brain like an icicle, puncturing membranes and forever mutilating objective reality. Talbot’s music is like a hidden image that, once seen, cannot be unseen. (@ myspace)

Szegediek figyelmébe!

Március 30-án lép fel Szegeden az együttes a Garaboncziás Borozóban, az angolos szakest keretein belül.

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