Az új hanghordozóját egy új történet köré szőtte.
~ A Pre-History Of Lupercalia~ You might be familiar with the history of Lupercalia, the land, impenetrable mountains in the west, the Black Wulf Forest in the north and east, The Wandering in the true east, and the chalk-cliff-wall the falls into the oceanwater in the south. In the middle is the town. And all around, are the people. Them with their pettiness and miserable vengeances, their fickle love, and then of course their Fabulous War. The two major clans –Buell, Toombs- the InDePenDents, and the minor clans. And within these minor clans are The Northrops. They are the senior clan, they got to Lupercalia in… well I don’t know exactly when but far enough back for it to be history. In fact they kinda made this land, some will say blamed for making… The Northrops who are now known as Peter’s people settled in the Northwest section of this place. His people came here and knocked down trees, smoothed the dirt, and even re-routed rivers. They surrounded the land that they claimed as their own with a fence of spiked iron crosses, hoping to keep the unwanteds from coming close. Sometimes it worked as intended, other times it kept unwanted things within. Peter’s people did their fighting and breeding and spreading out as people will do. They spread out to other parts of Lupercalia and eventually forgot, or were taught to forget that they were once The Northrops. And by the time Peter came to be born in this world not many of his people were left. And when he gained some age Peter wanted to do something about his aloneness. He tried to befriend the vain little Butcher Bird, he tried to catch the roaming Cat, and then he tried to invite the sloth-like Duck into his people’s home – which was now his alone - . None of those took. He then discovered he had one pure blood relative left, Grandfather, who had been put into the Bedlam by the former Northrops of Lupercalia. Peter hatched a plan and sprung his Grandfather from the Bedlam. He brought him back to his people’s compound and hoped to be taught his former people’s ways. But Grandfather – who admittedly should have stayed in the Bedlam - had his own ideas about how to raise his Grandson Peter. And like the beasts Peter first tried to befriend, Peter didn’t take with some of his Grandfather’s notions. His Grandfather had a loving and forgiving side that he learned midway through his life, and it being not until midway through his life it obviously took Grandfather a while to get to that point. But, Peter wanted it all right now and wasn’t willing to work. Peter had a bit of bitterness since he had to raise himself, he thought he was doing just fine, he forgot that he sometimes got lonely and thought he was only doing his Grandfather a favor by breaking him out of the Bedlam. And when he didn’t get exactly what he wanted, his bitterness that he had inside became a ball of hate. There were only two things to cure this, one was time which Peter wanted nothing to do with, and the other was The Wulf, which Peter also wanted nothing to do with, but in this The Wulf was more forceful than time. In his days before the Bedlam Grandfather was a trapper, not like them Three Hunters, but, one who traps out of necessity. Peter did not know that Grandfather had learned this other side of life from an interaction he had with the Wulf, he also did not know that if he wanted a beast to be close with, a beast to have more of a bond with than even a blood relative he could not have done better than The Wulf, though the Wulf is running short on patience. And now all of them will have their chance to tell you their side of the story, see they all told it to me… The Scarewulf, see my job is to scare away all manner of beasts, Wulfs, Doders, … whathaveyou… but, as luck would have it they all just come and whisper their confessions into my dead ears, Peter, Grandfather, Bird, Cat, Duck, Thee Three Wise Hunters, and Wulf, so ladies and gentlemen this is the pre-history of Lupercalia and the true history of Peter & The Wolf…
A Lupercalia eredete

5 megjegyzés:
Slim Cessna's Auto Club megvan? Másik elég híres zenekar, ahol Munly játszik. Az Új albumuk legalább olyan jó, mint a két utolsó JM szóló album. Még a napokban írok is róla/róluk posztot.
Ez új felvétel?
Borzalmas. Olyan, mint a korai, gyengébb Munly albumok. Azt hittem, valami kiváló hangzás, férfi kórus, és egyéb vár majd.
Ismerem persze, nálad találtam meg.:)
Én ezt találtam, persze nem kizárt, hogy valami kezdetleges akármicsoda. Keresgettem, de sajnos sokra nem jutottam.
I think it's some kind of demo, not the Lupercalians debut - it's spelled wrong in the pack and also the new song that Munly put on Lupercalians myspace is not here.
Ez valószínűleg tényleg csak egy demo, viszont a Munly & The Lupercalians Myspace oldalán van három kész dal, és azok bizony igen jók. Továbbá az Ahmen-nek az élő verziója fenn van a YouTubeon (; kb. 0:50-től), és az is sokkal jobban hangzik, mint itt.
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