PLEASE SUPPORT UNDERGROUND METAL and buy the CD! When BUYING THIS CD, you are supporting the label that released this album as well as the artists themselves.
Here's the link to buy it on our Njiqahdda page:
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4 megjegyzés:
nemtudom hol találtad, de hála. kurva kíváncsi vagyok.
ez a 4. nagylemezük, és a 12. kiadványuk idén....
Véletlen volt. x]
Njiqahdda - "Yrg Alms" CD in stock now!
Just $7 shipped USA!
PLEASE SUPPORT UNDERGROUND METAL and buy the CD! When BUYING THIS CD, you are supporting the label that released this album as well as the artists themselves.
Here's the link to buy it on our Njiqahdda page:
"Yrg Alms" has been Mastered by Drucifer, known for his work with such artists as Leviathan and Xasthur.
The Yrg Alms cover artwork was created by Rebecca Clegg (famous for her work with Nachtmystium, Xasthur, Krieg, Urfaust...). The "Yrg Alms" CD package will feature full-color 8-page panoramic booklet with gold ink overlays on the booklet and tray card.
Underground Metal thanks you for the support!
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