2009. január 5., hétfő

Ideamen+Duct Tape Mustache LPs (avant-garde En garde)

Weirdos, hands up! I prepared some juicy stuffs for you. I presumed you like tUB rING, Polkadot Cadaver, Dog Fashion Disco and Foxy Shazam. Therefore allow me to introduce these two groups. Duct Tape Mustache formed earlier, released two albums and broke up. Sad but, after them Ideamen formed. This happened in 2006.

The latter one combines a lot of things into a coherent, easy to listen music. Salsa, beatbox, saxofone, RATM-like breakdown, neoclassical keyboard-tunes, county etc. So jump and have fun!

The earlier one is more like a snatched merry-round brigade is playing metal.

Egyébiránt néha egy kis affektálós énekstílus, Patton vadulgatások, középtempókban kóválygás teszi teljessé a képet. [Igen, belefáradtam az angolba...]


Duct Tape Mustache - Mise En Scene

Ideamen - Progress EP

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