2009. január 19., hétfő

Midori - First [EP] (japán agymenés)

Ettől garantáltan frászt kapsz. Képzeld el, hogy egy 140 centis japán lány kezébe veszi a gitárt s unalmában a többi tökfejjel az utcából elkezdenek Pattont meg ki tudja még milyen ökörségeket játszani. Circa abba az utcába érsz, ahol ezek is zajongnak.

Néhány vélemény:

Midori could be everything I've ever wanted in a band: whiplash changes in direction (but cohesive nonetheless); loud thrashy guitars; jazz piano; technically brilliant drumming; and a lunatic Japanese frontwoman. To top it off, this frontwoman plays alternately cute and murderous. Check the first song: she goes from quirky j-pop vocal affectations to straight-up death metal growling. It's something to behold. The second track flirts with pop forms in a piano-led number while the last track is a come-down ballad. The incredible cutesiness of Mariko can get a little grating at times, but on repeat listens it becomes incredibly endearing. The fifth track is another whirlwind: jazz, Melt-Banana and Deerhoof in a blender on high. I can't recommend this enough. That said, fuck if I understand any of it.

so obscene and aggressive, yet sincere (especially the last song). Mariko's osaka dialect is just too cute!

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